Rangana’s Telephone Girl Friend

The telephone girl friend’s nuisance calls had caused a severe hindrance and embarrassment to Rangana Herath’s wedding and thereafter to his family life. A certain girl had caused him to face an embarrassing situation. A week before his wedding a certain girl had walked into his Thalawathugoda residence accompanied by another person. She brought a marriage certificate and told she was married to Rangana and wanted to stay in his house
This incident was a real surprise and was puzzling to all at his home However with the intervention of the Police the matter was settled. Investigations revealed that she was one Varsha Peiris and the marriage certificate was revealed to be a bogus one and she pretended to be a medical student. She also had in her possession some other bogus documents.
She has annoyed Rangana on many occasions by giving calls using 21 sim cards. She also had in her possession two National Identity Cards, which were proved also as bogus since the addresses therein, had discrepancies, and did not indicate her correct address.
To inquire into this matter and to obtain first hand information Gossip Lanka news visited Rangana’s residence. The questions asked and the answers given were as follows:
When questioned whether he knew this girl, he promptly said yes. He confessed that initially he came to know her via a ‘missed call’. When she addressed me as Madhawa, I said I am not Madhawa.She told that a friend has fallen into trouble because of Madhawa. Although I denied that I wasn’t Madhawa she continued giving me calls. As it was a real nuisance I blocked all her numbers. Nevertheless from different numbers she continued to call me.
To the question whether Rangana had met her, the answer was yes and the place was Mt Lavinia, when he said to her that he is Rangana and not Madhawa. When told to tell the truth and asked whether there was any relationship, he denied and told he always wanted to avoid her. He told that this problem dragged on for 2 ½ years and made him suffer. During this period Rangana said that he had blocked about 60 telephone numbers of hers. He also said he never replied to her S.M.S.’s.When questioned in that case why did she call over at your residence with a bogus marriage certificate’ the answer given was that she may have known that I was to get married in April which I had told to the media during an interview eight months back.
This would have been planned then told Rangana. She had been successful in obtaining my signature from cricket fans to whom I had signed autographs.Rangana also told that she had in her possession when arrested ‘Chairman Box Pass’ to witness World Cup Cricket matches. He said he too was surprised how she was able to posses it and probably it too may be a duplicate bogus pass.
When questioned as to how his wife reacted to this episode, and what she says about the case, he told theirs was a proposed marriage and they married after knowing each other very well for eight months. He said her name was Senani and she was a graduate. She had understood the case well, but with a lot of concern. However he told she is really frustrated over this incident.
The wedding had taken place a week after this incident. When questioned whether there was Police guard for the wdding,Rangana said no. He said that he invited many high ranked Police Officers as quests and the Police personnel who were there may have their security persons. As Rangana was not in favour of posing for photographs after this ugly incident ,Gossip Lanka News were deprived of taking any photos.
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