The Face Book web site could do an enormous amount of many good things as well as certain bad things. A very bad incident because of the Face book web site has been reported from Mt Lavinia.A typical example in respect of the latter is appended below:
On the beach coast near Hotel Road Mt Lavinia, yerterday Police had raided a DJ party of a huge magnitude attended by a large group of teenage boys and girls attending reputed International Schools in the City hailing from very respectable families. At the time of the raid they were behaving in a most disgraceful manner. During the raid they were able to seize 104 bottles of imported Alcoholic beverages like Vodka, Whisky, Brandy and Rum and 50 bottles of Beer. There had been in attendance about 200 teenage boys and
Those who participated had gained access via the Face Book. It is reported that on paying the admission fee of Rs 1,000/- Bands with different colours are wrapped around the arm to differentiate from each other to what class of nefarious packages they prefer to belong to. So that they can couple or group together to perform various types of nefarious activities hiding in secret hide outs along the beach coast.
This Colombo teenage crowd have had access to these parties via the assistance of the Face Book web-site. The advice of the Western Province Excise Officers and the Police to the parents are to be careful with their children who are tempted to take very bad advice from the usage of the Face book.