It is very evident the Sri Lankan sportsmen are undergoing a terribly a bad period. We lost the ICC Cricket World CUP 2011 final. By losing the Gold medal by testing for doping, Manju was dethroned of his gold medal decided to quit boxing.

It is now reliably known that our champion Weightlifter under the KG 69 category too is in danger of been banned and dethroning his medals. At the Asian Games held in China, Chinthana was placed 4th and hence could not win a medal. However Chinthana has won a Gold medal at the last Commonwealth Games and Bronze medals at several other International contests.
At the Asian games held in China, investigations have revealed that Chinthana Vidanage has been proved positive for taking the drug Methyl Mexamamine..For this accusation for having proved for taking banned drugs the International Weightlifting Federation (IWF) has banned him in taking part in any International contest until the investigations are completed. Chinthana has told the local media it is very hard to believe this story.
It appears that once the investigations are completed and if Chinthana is proved guilty he too will have to quit Weightlifting and go home like Manju did.
It is very evident the Sri Lankan sportsmen are undergoing a terribly a bad period. We lost the ICC Cricket World CUP 2011 final. By losing the Gold medal by testing for doping, Manju was dethroned of his gold medal decided to quit boxing.
It is now reliably known that our champion Weightlifter under the KG 69 category too is in danger of been banned and dethroning his medals. At the Asian Games held in China, Chinthana was placed 4th and hence could not win a medal. However Chinthana has won a Gold medal at the last Commonwealth Games and Bronze medals at several other International contests.
At the Asian games held in China, investigations have revealed that Chinthana Vidanage has been proved positive for taking the drug Methyl Mexamamine..For this accusation for having proved for taking banned drugs the International Weightlifting Federation (IWF) has banned him in taking part in any International contest until the investigations are completed. Chinthana has told the local media it is very hard to believe this story.
It appears that once the investigations are completed and if Chinthana is proved guilty he too will have to quit Weightlifting and go home like Manju did.