At the ‘DANCE STARS DANCE’ contest when Chilly was eliminated, he in disagreement had an angry argument pointing his finger towards Presenter Saliya which could be termed appropriately as involved in ‘Wali Marketing’ within the Swarnawahini premises. The latest news is that Chilly too has left the ‘Dance Stars Dance’contest.It is spoken that all these incidents may have been instigated as an obvious tactic to popularise the ‘Dance stars dance’ contest and Swarnavahini Television channel in particular.
From this quarrel it is the opinion of many the real fact is to facilitate ‘Marketing’ as the ultimate motive. It was reported in the Gossip Lanka news website in the recent past about the sudden disappearance of Chula from the contest. Subsequently the manner Aksha cried and confessed in front of the Judges and the views aired by Tekla who was baffled on hearing the comments of Chula, where she said she is prepared even to go to courts if Chula filed action.
There is enough substance to prove that these stories may have been fabricated to give immense and unprecedented publicity to the ‘Dance Stars Dance’ contest in order to attract the interest of Swarnavahini viewers. The story of Chilly, who is disappointed that his request for two bikes, was not acceded to by the Swarnavahini Authorities. He threatened to report the story to the Gossip Lanka News web site. The presenter made valiant efforts to stop him from doing so proved futile.
The video below proves his attempt.

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