Non Buddhist religion people sling mud at me
I never apologised on that day
Ven. Pitiduwe Siri Dhamma Thera speaks
with Gossiplankanews website
The clash between two factions (Monks and their supporters) at the Siri Dhamma Monastery in Dehiwala Bellantara was resolved with the intervention of the Police personnel. What was discussed during the reconciliation process was not revealed to any media.
However the leader of the opposing faction Ven.Medagoda Abeytissa revealed that Ven Siri Dhamma had vouched that in the future he would strictly adhere to the ‘Theravada Buddhist Culture’ and that he would not utter wrong statements and would not sling mud at other prominent Buddhist Monks and should openly apologise to those present here. ‘The above was not correct’ Ven. Siri Dhamma Thera had quipped to the Gossiplanka News at an interview. It was confirmed as a distorted statement.
The correct version is below as detailed by him.”There is a belief among the society that I made an apology. For me to apologise I had not done any wrong and not an accused. I only preached the Lord Buddha’s teachings. I addressed everyone with the precise ‘Dharma’ the Buddha thought. I said in that case if there was anything wrong we will discuss and debate on them with a view to resolve any doubts. With such a statement I need not forgive. It is a completely a distorted statement. We have to discuss about ‘Dhamma’. But we need not suppress or hide the truth. I only need only my views to be known correctly. This incident has to be conveyed and known to the world precisely. The discipline was developed by ‘Mao Tse-tung’. But his opponents said “from these objections it revealed that the correct position has been explained”.’I also have to tell the same’, the Thera quipped.
The video of this discussion from BELOW:
About Ven.Pituduwe Thera a lot of gossip had been heard about his association with women. A certain women had accused the Thera been the father of her child. They had even gone to courts and lost the case. On hearing this

‘Most of these who protested and filed action were the catholic community living in the vicinity of the temple. They were anti Buddhists and always worked against us. These anti Buddhist neighbours had got together with outsiders by spending a lot of money had tried to distort our good image. The “Parapasiya” journal is published by a person living in the neighbourhood, a non Buddhist. In these publications there are several stories published bringing disrepute to me. It had been said that owing to these accusations I had fled the country. A mother having money had filed action against me that the child’s father is me. These allegations could not be proved. In this country there a law prevails. Justice is meted out via Police investigations carried out correctly. If I was guilty these allegations would have been proved.”
It is learnt that you have been transformed to the status of “Sowan Sakrudagama” and had changed your name from Ven. Pitiduwe Thera to Ven.Pituduwe “Samanthabada”Thera. This had been disclosed by your opposing faction during the discussion and when the reconciliation process was on. “ when the status of a Buddhist Bikkhu is changed his name also should

The Gossiplankanews was able to approach Ven. Pitiduwe Siri Dhamma Thera at his monastery to obtain first hand information about the incident that unfolded. What he revealed is appended below:
“There was a large congregation of devotees at the temple at the time of this incident. They had to come to discuss and make arrangements about the ‘Katina’ Pinkama and “Illmaha Maithree Sakman Poojawa” to be held on this Poya day. Those who entered the temple premises were about 70 to 80 persons including a number of Buddhist monks. As there were a number of vehicles and three wheelers the gates were closed and all those had cell phones had to surrender them. Subsequently they had searched for Ven. Pitiduwe Thera at every nook and corner of the Monastery temple. During this process they had dashed whatever they came across in the temple and beating the devotees who were within the temple premises. Those who acted in that manner should not be wearing robes. Those who came had come from Pepiliyana and Nedimale temples.This had been confirmed via a telephone call from the Bellanwila temple. They all it is learnt had come with the intention of taking over the temple.
The primary question for this invasion had been as initially this 68 perch land had belonged to the owner of the Buddhist Cultural Centre. The argument is that the deed is in the name of Ven.Pitaduwe Siri Dhamma Thera who had purchased this land for sum of Rs 20 million and as he had changed his name his ownership automatically ceases.
When Ven. Pitaduwe Thera was away from the temple some of those who invaded had been after taking liquor while some have had in their possession iron bars. They had while searching for the Incumbent Thera had ram shackled the entire temple, inside and outside. They had harmed the devotees who were within the temple. What was made to beatify he temple some structures had been erected. Some Bikkhus without any shame had been seen sitting on these structures and had been waiting to occupy the rooms and had even

While Ven.Pitaduwe Thera was returning to the temple with Police guard had narrated what had taken place to the police personnel. The drama and the hostile situation had changed after his arrival with the Police.
After the reconciliation when they were leaving they had said they had arrived at the scene with the Buddhist monks in response to an invitation for a debate as requested in the newspaper ‘Randiva’. “The invitation for a debate was definitely not in this fashion but in a professional manner.” Only one prominent monk Ven.Megadoga Abeytissa had accompanied the crowd. Ven.Pitaduwe Siri Saddamma Thera had entered the temple with strong Police protection. When it was made known that some harm is to be done to the Ven. Pitaduwe Thera a huge congregation of devotees had thronged the temple. In the meanwhile Minister Mervin Silva too had come to support the Ven. Pitaduwe Thera and has had discussions and before leaving had said if any harm is done to this Thera he will set himself on fire.
Till late night several groups were scattered in the vicinity of the temple. A reconciliation was ultimately brought with the assistance of Ven. Kirama Wimalajothi,Akmeemana Dayaratna, Medagoda Abeyratna and Ulapane Sumangala Theras and other monks. After the reconciliation was announced all dispersed. There were 20 Bikkhus who were against Ven.Pitaduwe Thera when the discussions were on. The discussion was very hostile and not according to ‘Damma’ as disclosed by Ven.PitaduweThera.
After the incident it had been revealed that money, sound equipment, keys of the rooms , phones, cameras and many other valuable articles had been stolen from the temple. With regard to these loses an entry has been lodged in the Boralesgamuwa Police Station.
After the incident a person who robbed the Ven.Pitaduwe’s camera had said that he had found some pictures of Ven. Pitaduwa’s photos taken overseas wearing a T shirt and he would take action to publish in the media to bring disrepute and sling mud to the Thera’s reputation.
The Thera gave an answer to this question saying “while abroad and when visiting a jungle an attire to suit the situation had to be worn.”
Then those in invaded had said that they are not going to stop this matter and would be taking more action in this regard in order to distort the image of Ven. Pituduwe Thera