Supermarkets go empty for fear of corona of Colombo becoming locked!
The business sector say that the public has become agitated because several suspicious patients carrying corona symptoms have been detected and also because schools have been given holidays by the government and have thus been motivated to purchase food stuffs on wholesale basis visiting shopping outlets for their daily requirements, today (12). This situation is observable mostly in Colombo and congested areas.
This commotion has actually resulted with the idea that Sri Lanka too would follow suit of the
procedure where a number of cities in the world adopted the locked up system to prevent corona virus spreading. As a consequence, it was seen that supermarket outlets and wholesale outlets were packed with customers.
procedure where a number of cities in the world adopted the locked up system to prevent corona virus spreading. As a consequence, it was seen that supermarket outlets and wholesale outlets were packed with customers.
As most customers who had come were motivated to buy dry rations on a wholesale basis; items in shelves of supermarkets were noticed going empty in no time and it is reported that even conflicts had taken place among consumers within outlets. What the government points out is that though schools were given holidays as a move to block this outbreak reaching epidemic proportions and that it nevertheless is a factor to be alarmed as such.