Over 50 medical institutions and companies take predominance in producing corona vaccine
After covid-19 global epidemic was announced, various countries have experimented with lock ups and and numerous control methods; though some countries have reaped productive results from it, not all countries have reaped similar results. Hopes towards this phenomenon has now turned towards the vaccine. It is reported that the co-operation extended towards diseases such as SARS and
IBOLA where the vaccination is concerned, co-operation of scientists are to be seen in the instance of corona too.
Medical institutions and over 50 companies are engaged day in and day out all over the world in producing the covid-19 vaccination. Four companies in China, America and Israel have tried out the vaccination on animals. When SARS-CoV-2 genes examination was completed by China initially, it was shared among scientists all over the world in the month of January. Subsequently, a hastening up of basic structures as well as collection of data was reported by scientists the world over. What the health institution of United Kingdom said was that after the first test commenced in the month of March, it would take three months to collect the data. It was mentioned that after it the next step would commence.
United Kingdom research and development authority are working hand in hand with scientists of private companies. A French company called Snofi Pasteur and another company called Johnson and Johnson has joined in this project. On March 16th, a bio-technology company popular in Boston known as Moderna has taken a brave step even further in testing out the vaccine on human beings. According to geneological engineering and bio-technological survey conducted, other than government institutions, large institutions such as Glaxo SmitheKline and Sanofie and small companies such as Moderna and Glide Science when engaged in testing the vaccination more and more, the possibility of it hitting the market in 2020 is little.
According to the AP report, the United Kingdom corona vaccine has been subjected to a test on humans. Kaiser in Seattle has initially used this vaccination on a mother of two children named Jennifer aged 43. 45 hale and hearty youth were included in the first test. This vaccination in fact was prepared by an American medical institute by the name of Moderna and it was carried out in co-operation with national health institutions who provide funds for that purpose. Though the test was successful, 18 months would elapse for it to be introduced to the public.
In general the first test of a vaccine is tried on animals; but having taken into consideration the impact of the epidemic, it has been directly tried on human beings. Scientists of national virus institute of Poone in India (NIV) have been successful in make the corona virus dormant and isolate it. They have in fact gone a long way in separating the action of the virus, examination and identifying the medicine and in producing the equipment or sets for vaccination tests. So far it is America, Japan, Thailand and China that has achieved success in this direction as the four countries in the world. What scientist Priya Abraham of India's medical research council (ICMR) said was that India has passed the first test order to safeguard themselves from corona virus.
According to China's central television, after the first corona incidents were exposed, they are searching for permanent solutions in this connection. The team headed by 53 year old medical specialist Shane Wee of Mahajana Vimukthi Hamudawa has been able to create a clinical process for corona vaccination. This team has in fact has produced a vaccine to prevent dangerous viruses such as SARS and EBOLA. 7 members of Chinese communist party were given the said vaccine. On the other hand, another vaccine created by the medical college of China's Tanji university and Sistina clinical company have tested it on rats and it is understood that further tests would be carried out on human beings.
According to Haraj newspaper of Israel, the bio-science research institute of prime minister's office has taken rapid steps to produce the covid-19. Israel's defence minister has said that scientists have been successful in detecting symptoms of corona virus and its biological activity. It has been reported that over a group of 50 experienced scientists are engaged in producing the vaccine. Whatever it is, while this vaccine has not passed several steps to inspect humans ... several months would elapse.
According to an Australian report, S.S. Vasan in favour of India's commonwealth scientific and technologically rich organisation (CSIRO) and his team are taking swift action in producing a vaccine for corona. Scientists of Queensland university .. Paul Young, Keith Chappel and Trent Munro's team have conducted yet another experiment. After about a combination of 250 various compositions, they have been successful in creating basic structure by utilising rats. It is reported that within the next three months it would be possible to try it on humans.