When state minister instructs to take child outside the law ... principal argues

When state minister instructs to take child outside the law ... principal argues

When state minister instructs to take child outside the law ... principal argues

At a time when  precedents have been provided to take action without fear of state officers ... a state minister who issued instructions who said to function outside the framework of the law and be practical and had appreciated them saying that they are on their side ... such a state minister is heard of yesterday from Wanduramba. This incident has taken place at a meeting of Baddegama provincial development committee. 

Not being able to confirm residence of 5 years as stated in the circular a student close to the school was rejected and under such circumstances state minister Mohan Priyadarshana Silva instructed principal of Galle Wanduramba College to admit the child to school dismissing the circular concerned under the grounds of practicability and humanity. 

However, the principal who wanted to carry out the law according to the letter refused to agree and when he kept on arguing continuously the minister replied in a stern tone as is evident in the related video. This is what he said, "You must admit the child. We know what everybody's actions ... don't get ready for those things!" 

What Mp Nishantha Muthuhettigama informs is that he has given admission to Mahinda College for only 4 or 5 children and that this principal is not going to lose his job simply because of admitting that child. On the other hand what the principal said was that he has not admitted any child beyond the scope of what is mentioned in the circulars released by the ministry of education and that he is not willing to work outside the circulars. 

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