Gems installed in former pinnacle of Ruwanveliseya ... disappeared?
Commissioner general of Archaeological Department, professor Senerath Dissanayaka has stated that an inquiry would be carried out to find out whether articles or objects deposited at Ruwanveli Maha seya have gone missing when the pinnacle was removed. He mentioned that according to a complaint received, this inquiry is being done as on the said occasion some anomaly
has resulted.
has resulted.
Under the above circumstances, it is expected to check whether a list of some items was available ... such as gems in the former pinnacle of Ruwanveli Mahaseya. Though the Mahaseya was an antique, the pinnacle erected is not as old as even hundred years; it has not come under administration of the Archaeological Department as such. The commissioner general further mentioned that the issue is to be directed to a committee whether an estimate has to be called for and whether mediation of the Archaeological Department is necessary.
In the above connection, former director general, archaeologist Mr. P.B. Mandawela said: "The old pinnacle has been established in the year 1940. Since it is not 100 years, that pinnacle does come under the category of something of antique value. Therefore the ownership of the pinnacle rests on the viharadhipathi of Ruwanveli Mahaseya. Action relating to the complaint has to be handled by viharadhipathi. The department has no legal right to mediate in this connection. The archaeological ordinance has come into force after the pinnacle was erected. At the time the pinnacle was installed, the archaeological ordinance was even not existent. Under such circumstances the pinnacle issue cannot be brought into the archaeological department from any angle as such. During my tenure of service I had received no allegation".