Professor Carlo Fonseka's demise!

Professor Carlo Fonseka's demise!

Professor Carlo Fonseka's demise!

Professor Carlo Fonseka who was a senior doctor and a classical and political activist passed away this afternoon in his house. At the time of his death he was 86 years old. 

Professor Carlo Fonseka was a former dean of the medical faculty of Kelaniya University. He had been active as president of the medical council from the year 2012 till 2017. He was an outstanding
member of Trotsky communist party (LSSP). He was also a member of the central executive committee and the political board and gave leadership to its branch in Kotte. 

The Professor was a strong critic about private medical education and was a pioneer in fighting against establishing private medical schools from the beginning of the first decade of 1980 and even during the last few years. Apart from that he vehemently attacked ideas based on irrational beliefs and was involved in rescuing society from mythologists until his death. 

He was born in de Soysa maternity home in Colombo on March 4th, 1933 and had his initial education in Marie Stella College in Negombo while he followed it up with his secondary education at St. Joseph's College in Maradana. Dr. Carlo who began his university life from Colombo university and afterwards completed his post-degree in Edinburgh University in England. Dr. Carlo who imparted his knowledge to over hundreds of thousands of medical students for more than four decades as a doctor and professor was also an author and popular lyricist. 2 albums by the titles of 'Kalochitha Gee' (1992) and 'Raththaran Duwe' (2006) containing his songs have been released. Vijaya Cumaratunga and Ranjan Ramanayaka and some others are his relations, Final funeral arrangements would be notified in due course. 

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