Enters Sumedha's house and robs gold bangle weighing three pounds

Enters Sumedha's house and robs gold bangle weighing three pounds

Enters Sumedha's house and robs gold bangle weighing three pounds

A person alleged to have stolen a gold bangle having entered the two-storied house at Gramodaya Mawatha in Madiwela, Kotte belonging to Moneragala district member of parliament, Mrs. Sumedha G. Jayasena was taken into custody for questioning, say Mirihana police. The motor-bicycle which the suspect had ridden that day to the house referred to also has been taken into custody.

Last 6th the MP has gone to parliament with her three security officers and had later returned home
and had dropped the gold bangle to the drawer in the cupboard with the mirror in down-floor, as stated in her complaint. The very same evening she has gone to visit a patient in Sri Jayawardenepura hospital  and on that occasion an unknown person has told her son that he knows her and having told that his mother was sick and has finally asked for a sum of Rs. 5000, police say. Subsequently the MPs son has gone upstairs and having brought Rs. one thousand five hundred and handed over to this unknown person, police further say.

The MP has searched for the said gold bangle to be worn to parliament the next day and has had a look in the drawer previously mentioned and had realised that it was missing, police say. Police who delved into CCTV data in the house with regard to the robbery had taken the suspect into custody in Badowita area in Mount Lavinia and when being questioned had admitted that though he went to the MP's house he did not rob the gold bangle under reference. Police say that this person has studied in a leading school in Colombo and is a person who is very fluent in English and police further say that he would dress himself impeccably and visit lonely houses and then would give the impression that he knows the householders. He would next say that his mother is sick and thus ask for money. Police mention that in order to find the gold bangle which the suspect is supposed to have robbed, further investigations are underway.

- M.C. Perera - 
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