Poli mudalali' found murdered and body dumped in pit in coconut land -- assailant nabbed without any eye-witness account
A mysterious incident of a millionaire businessman who lived in Puttalam - Pulidiwayal was found murdered and his body dumped into a pit in a coconut land was reported last 15th.
The victim in fact was the proprietor of several coconut estates and apart from that he was someone who was dealing in transactions of giving loans on interest basis. The said businessman has set off from home last 11th around 2.30 to collect interest payable on loans he had given. However he had
not returned home. His wife has lodged a complaint with Puttalam police on 12th concerning her husband's disappearance.
not returned home. His wife has lodged a complaint with Puttalam police on 12th concerning her husband's disappearance.
Support was provided by both the special force and police intelligence service to Puttalam police crime investigation unit for the investigation launched. After they secured information from security cameras of the area and the deceased's telephone calls, what was revealed was that he had last been to the house of the person from whom he had collected interest and afterwards had set off home after which the Dydo-wheel vehicle has left suspect's house. It was found that the said vehicle had gone as far as 4 kilometres from the suspect's house approaching a coconut estate nearby. Later, eagle eyes of police officers observed a location in this coconut estate where soil was dug up newly. Suspicion has developed that something has been buried at this spot which happened to be covered by coconut branches and logs.
Though police took steps to arrest and interrogate the suspect who took interest money on 15th, he had responded saying that he knew nothing about it. On orders of district judge officers of Puttalam police began excavations on 15th evening of the said location which had come under suspicion. As a result it was possible for police officers to recover the dead body of the said businessman. Both Puttalam district judge and assistant judicial medical officer of Puttalam basic hospital, Mrs. Nadeeka Abeywickrema were present on that occasion. Subsequently, after the corpse was taken to Puttalam basic hospital for the post-mortem, the previously referred to suspect was further questioned after which everything about the murder emerged. It came to be known that the suspect has mortgaged the land where he was living for a sum of Rs. 3 lakhs.
"I had to pay only a monthly interest of Rs. 30,000. On the day of the incident concerned he came to my house and reprimanded me saying, 'Your house has come into my possession. So go away from the house tomorrow itself'. I lost my temper at that moment and I gave him a blow with an iron pestle in the house. After that I carried the body in my Dydo wheel about 4 kilometres away to a coconut estate and buried him thee", the suspect thus confessed in the presence of police.
The small-sized iron pestle used for the murder and the Dydo wheel which conveyed the dead body was taken into police custody. The victim in this instance is a father (aged 36 years) named A.R.M. Faiz resident at Puttalam - Pulidiwayal. It was a 50 year old driver of a hiring vehicle who was taken into custody and from the same area. Puttalam police officers were able to expose a case of homicide which if not would have been buried forever even with no eye-witness evidence as such.