Sakvithi Ranasingha resumes work ...
from the side of a fish-tank

Sakvithi Ranasingha resumes work ...
Sakvithi Ranasingha, the swindler who was released after a punishment in prison for 10 years, after making a statement of repenting for his blunders has once again commenced teaching English across digital media as his mode of income. His modern samples series of lessons were taped in an informal manner from a table placed near a fish-tank and has been released to the internet and what he has expected by it is to gather a crowd for
future tuition classes.
future tuition classes.
He was charged for having swindled the public for a sum of 192 crores and his cases are still not over. The central bank did not mediate in that case because the institute which accepted Sakvithi Ranasingha's deposits was not a registered finance institute. As a result those who deposited their funds had to face the loss and since it was an institute which was carried on without a legal foundation, the depositors were deprived of support of the law.
During the period he was behind bars, Sakvithi Ranasingha who handled lakhs of cash was not able to find 6 lakhs to have been bailed out and therefore he was not fortunate enough to get the bail necessary. Later on he got down to conducting tuition classes in prison and thereby collect that money and it turned out to be successful. Ultimately he was released on bail.
Recently he participated in the 'Talk with Chathura' programme and what he expressed on that occasion was that he was able to earn an income of about 40 lakhs per month through his tuition and related CDs and that though he commenced with the objective of investing the monies elsewhere and started finance institutes and housing constructions. However, he accepted that he had squandered that money because of lack of financial management due to his own fault.
Though he was unable to reimburse those funds to people who invested in his establishment he stated that he was repentful about it. He then continued saying that he would make an effort to at least grant one and a half lakhs for funerals and for that purpose he would recommence tuition classes.
Sakvithi Ranasingha has taken his first steps by circulating samples of his series of lessons across the internet media from the following day itself. There were criticisms aimed at 'Talk with Chatura' programme by some people for getting down a person of the calibre of Sakvithi Ranasingha. Whatever it is, some others had expressed positive remarks for his new series of lessons launched while standing near a fish-tank and that they would like to come forward to volunteer to give a helping hand to produce a video of quality.