"Mother's life changed after cancer -- Story of Mrs. Chitra Wakista's son
After the demise of reputed actress Mrs. Chitra Wakista a few days ago and subsequent to her departure from us, her son who is employed at Independent Networks Rupavahini gave us an interview. Published below is that discussion.
"Mother's sickness was a cancer. It was detected 6 or 7 years back. She was operated on after that. She engaged in the arts after the operation. It was about a few months before mother passed away that
she became feeble. It means it came to a state where she could walk only with the aid of somebody. Then after that she asumed a state where she could not speak much. At times her mental faculties were active and at other times, no. Sometimes she would recognise others and sometimes she couldn't. That way ... when speaking she did not know what she was speaking. So mother began to change in activities like that, little by little. She lived that way for sometime and then this happened".
* About when was she hospitalised?
When we came to know of the sickness, she was warded for the operation. Then after that she faced difficulties several times and was warded in hospital. However much we said; mother neglected taking her medicine on a regular basis. She did not go behind medicine as such. Most of the time she would remain at home.
Mother passed away on 31st. On Thursday ... that means on 30th mother became serious and the time she was admitted to general hospital around 6.30 in the evening. Then at about 11.3 in the morning she died".
* How do you see her?
I se mother as a lady who is virtuous, determined as well as a kind, righteous person who would come forward to help somebody or find a solution to a probem of anybody. I always identify as a 'giant woman".
* Did all recognised artistes, male and female come to pay their last respects?
Many distinguished artistes were present. There are those who did not come ... but they can't be found fault with, because they are busy. Sometimes they may not be available in Colombo may not be in the island. Therefore, we can't say anything about any of them ... because arts is something of a busy life that artistes lead. All those who could ... came. A lot of people soke over the phone and expressed their condolences. In the same way many contemporary actors and actresses told me about their ailing conditions. 'Puthe I am not able to come, I am in a sick state', they told me. We should accept it. ost of contemporaries of mother are very aged by now because they are suffering from various difficulties as such. So what I have to do is not find out who came and who didn't. In the same way, I thank those who attended and there is no possibility of blaming those who did not come because all of us cannot attend this moment ... most of the time. I can remember to a large extent most were away from Colombo. Some were overseas. So they called and expressed their sympathy".
* Other than the arts, did she have another way of income?
Mother did not have any other income other than the arts. It is from the arts that mother lived. She did not have a permanent job. I take this opportunity to thank everybody who helped in many a way and particularly you as well as all media those who were with me at that time. So I should thank all media at this moment. Not because it was I who looked into all matters concerning my mother I thank all for bestowing that respect to her as a tribute to this artiste called Chitra Wakista.