A 9 son who went on a joy ride stealthily on Poya Day without mother's notice ...
crashes into cab and dies!

A 9 son who went on a joy ride stealthily on Poya Day without mother's notice ...
When the mother has gone to the temple to see her daughter who had taken 'sil', her son had got hold of the three-wheeler in the house and had gone on a joy ride with a clique of friends and had ended up collided with a cab with this boy ending up in death; it was revealed at the autopsy held at Karapitiya hospital.
The deceased in this instance is, a 16 year old student by the name of Hikkaduwa Liyanage Pasindu living in Harumalgoda, Habaraduwa. He had in fact secured nine 'A' passes at last year's ordinary
level examination and was a student who was preparing to sit for the advanced level in the Maths stream. The deceased's mother is having a shop. She had gone to the temple to see her twelve year old daughter who taken 'sil' on Poson Poya when her son had taken the three-wheeler in the house and with four friends driven the vehicle on the Dikkumbura - Habaraduwa Road.
level examination and was a student who was preparing to sit for the advanced level in the Maths stream. The deceased's mother is having a shop. She had gone to the temple to see her twelve year old daughter who taken 'sil' on Poson Poya when her son had taken the three-wheeler in the house and with four friends driven the vehicle on the Dikkumbura - Habaraduwa Road.
It was during this joy ride the said accident has happened when the three-wheeler has collided with a cab belonging to the Imaduwa province health officer's office. This student who drove his vehicle was admitted first to Habaraduwa hospital and later to Karapitiya hospital where he passed away. Two of the four friends who sustained injuries are being treated at Habaraduwa hospital while the other two are being treated at the intensive care unit at Karapitiya hospital.
The autopsy in this connection was held by inquirer into sudden deaths, Mr. A.R.M. Nazeem at Karapitiya hospital while the post mortem was conducted by judicial medical officer, Mr. U.C.P. Perera. The deceased student's mother, Hewagamage Padmini Renuka gave evidence at the post mortem while Ahangama police was instructed to produce the driver of the cab concerned in order to extract evidence in connection with the accident. The inquirer into sudden deaths postponed stating reasons for the death and order that the body be released to the kith and kin of the deceased.