Interim order against President dissolving parliament -- Supreme Court

Interim order against President dissolving parliament -- Supreme Court

Interim order against President dissolving parliament -- Supreme Court

Several petitions were filed by some individuals and political parties against President for having dissolved parliament last 9th. This action was filed with Supreme Court yesterday (12) and today (13) and judgement is expected at 5 this evening. As explained by the three-member Supreme Court bench of judges comprising Chief Justice Nalin Perera, Prasanna Jayawardena and Priyantha Jayawardena an interim order was issued by them
against the decision taken by President. Therefore dissolving parliament and general election have been withheld.

This interim order will be in force until 7th December and inquiry into the petitions would be conducted during the period December 4, 5 and 6, it was decided upon by Supreme Court. All petitions were taken into consideration and steps will be taken will be notified in future. This is the first occasion where a judgement was taken in the history of Sri Lanka. Supreme Court has today (13) according to the interim order blocked dissolution of parliament, thus provided an opportunity to call parliament again and has also ceased the general election. 

While there is an opportunity for parliament to convene again and as such, the relevant positions would be in operation. It has still not been clarified whether parliament would convene tomorrow, the 14th. Mahinda Rajapaksa will be afforded the chance of going for his political majority when parliament assembles once more. 

Previous news reports

4.00 pm update
The relevant order in relation to petitions filed over dissolution of parliament is expected to be given at 5.00 in the afternoon. 

2.05 pm update
Rest of the 5 petitions in connection with dissolution of parliament which is being heard in Supreme Court on the second day commenced a short while ago at 2 in the afternoon. While 5 petitions were received in favour of the President today, Professor G.L. Pieris, Vasudeva Nanayakkara and Young Journalists' Association were among them. After scrutinising these petitions, the final judgement will be given by Chief Justice. 

1.30 pm update
18 petitions indicating that the decision taken by President Maithripala Sirisena sometime back about dissolving parliament was violating the constitution and also indicating that it was a right decision is being heard for the second day in Supreme Court today, the 13th. This matter is being gone into by the three-bench Supreme Court judges Messrs. Nalin Perera, Chief Justice, Judges Priyantha Jayawardena and Prasanna Jayawardena and the final judgement will be announced by Chief Justice Mr. Nalin Perera. In this instance it is Attorney general Mr. Jayantha Jayasuriya who appears on behalf of President also on behalf of the accuracy of the law governing the country. Prior to this, he had adopted a silent attitude when the Speaker posed a question when President questioned him about appointing Mahinda Rajapaksa as Prime Minister and yesterday the 12th he has appeared for this inquiry by avoiding proceedings saying that he needs further time on this matter. In any case he announced his decision today the 13th in a manner favourable to President. Attorney general Mr. Jayantha Jayasuriya happened to state that President is invested with special powers to dissolve parliament outside article 33 of the 19th amendment. As such, he asserted that parliament being dissolved has been carried out in accordance with the governing constitution. Addressing court he further stated that Supreme Court has no authority to handle a case of this nature. He also said that if in case this case is inquired into and an interim order is issued, it would turn out to be a serious damage to the sovereignty of the public.  

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