Mother rushes to settle sons' dispute and faces death from stabbing!

Mother rushes to settle sons' dispute and faces death from stabbing!

Mother rushes to settle sons' dispute and faces death from stabbing!

A mother of two who rushed to settle a dispute between two brothers had to embrace death most unfortunately as a result of stabbing. This incident was reported from Singhapura area, Hokandara, Thalangama.

The root cause of this incident was the house and property being written in the name of the elder son. After marriage, he had come into occupation there. The younger son, a bachelor and the mother had by that time managed to put up a small dwelling in planks in a corner somewhere there. As their
father was engaged in labour jobs and spending his time in various places, he had not been at home most of the time as such, it was understood.

In the meantime this younger son too had entered into marriage and after his marriage he had rented out a house in the vicinity and gone there with the mother. However as time passed by, financial difficulties have reared its head and not being in a position to pay the rent had once again decided with the mother to go back to the old dwelling constructed with planks.

By that time, the elder son too had fallen into financial difficulties and under such circumstances had rented out his own house and shifted to another rented out house at a lower rent. The younger son had after making arrangements to come to the house with planks had finally come with his mother last 31st and had started clearing up and making necessary preparations. At that moment people who were staying now in that elder son's house had conveyed this news by telephone to him.

The mother who met with death had been engaged in cleaning up the land which was the cause for this conflict when the elder son had arrived on the scene with some people and had created a dispute with the younger brother. The mother who sensed that the tussel was going beyond limits had gone in the midst of both of them and had tried to settle the dispute when she faced these stab injuries, police say. The mother on being admitted to Homagama Basic Hospital had passed away, police say. It was one Walimuni Karunawathi (78) living in Singhapura, Hokandara, Talangama who died in this manner. At the time of this fracas both sons had been armed with knives. The younger son's wife and elder son too have been wounded in this incident and warded in hospital. The elder son who sustained injury is under treatment with police protection at Colombo National Hospital while the younger son's wife is taking treatment at Mulleriyawa Hospital, it is reported. Stabs had been aimed at the chest of the deceased mother while serious harm was noticed in stab injuries on the chest of the elder brother including his right arm. The younger son's wife has sustained injuries on one of her arms. By now the two sons and a brother-in-law have been taken into custody while another brother-in-law and several outsiders are to be arrested.

Report -- Irangi Edirisingha
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