Yanny or Laurel? Internet in confusion because of strangeness of hearing same word sounding differently!
A certain phenomenon has become popular these days with a particular audio of a word being heard pronounced in two ways as Yanny and Laurel which incidentally has rapidly spread around in the internet.
This word with a voice cut when heard over the computer or when played on some other machine there is a possibility of being heard in two ways by two persons near them and this phenomenon
whether it is heard totally in two ways has provoked an issue. Even one person may hear it in the morning as Yanny while it may be heard by the very same person as Laurel in the evening.
When this phenomenon began to circulate in the internet, a survey had been conducted by Twitter media among its viewers. On that occasion fifty three lakhs who listened to this phenomenon said that fifty three percent heard it as Laurel while forty seven percent had said that they heard it as Yanny.
Audio Science professor Benjamin Munson explained it as those who heard Yanny, are those who hear it in more frequencies; while those who heard it as Laurel are those who hear it in lower frequencies. Accordingly, the younger folk tend more to hear it as Yanny while the elderly crowd has a tendency to hear it as Laurel.
When a sound experiment was carried out in this connection, it was found that when values of sound was increased and decreased by 20 per cent, the other word becomes more audible than the previous one, it was reported. Is Yanny and Laurel a similar reawakening of internet as the sensation which resulted with reference to the phenomenon which resulted sometime ago about various people seeing the colour of a female frock in different colours to each person.
The confusion about this word initially cropped up from a post in the instagram by a fifteen year old student. Actually when he looked into the word Laurel which has the meaning 'garment of victory' and the pronunciation that he hears on that is a totally different word on that page and that what he hears is as Yanny. The dialogue about the proper manner on how to pronounce that word actually became created in that manner.
The pronunciation of the word which the student searched for is found in the website Vocabulary.com and the voice of opera singer Jay Aubrey Jones is heard there. About two lakhs of English words have been subjected to pronunciation and directed to the internet for facility of those engaged in educational activities.
An opinion expressed American President Donald Trump expressing a joke on the Twitter Account as "I hear covfefe' in relation to the internet inquiry about Yanny or Laurel. (That was in relation to another incident attached to him the year before). Whatever it is, most people are now making others listen to this word in the computer and are inquiring about its weirdness. Shown below is the relevant voice cut