All parts of body of youth who had untimely death when a bull was struck by bike donates all parts of body except the heart

An instance of a young man meeting with death when a bull had knocked against his motor bicycle and subsequently his relatives taking steps to donate all parts of his body except the heart for another 6 people is reported from Sangattikulama in Anamaduwa.
26 year old Mr. M.P. Sumith Krishantha who had been on a motor-bike with another youth in the same area last 2nd met with a sudden accident when a bull
strolling across the road had abruptly knocked against the bike and the victim had thrown off, relatives say. On that occasion the youth was admitted to the government district hospital. However, he had stated that he was not serious and had discharged himself and had returned home after necessary treatment. But the following day (3) the victim had not woken up in the morning and as a result members of his family had open the doors and had dispatched this sick person to Puttalam Basic Hospital, who was found serious and steps had been taken to admit him to the Colombo General Hospital it is understood.
This young man had been under treatment at the intensive care unit at the Colombo National Hospital for a period of 3 days and had finally passed away last 6th. Before his demise the doctors had cautioned his parents and relatives about the deceased's risky situation and after his death the parents and relatives ad consented to to donate his liver, kidneys, knees, muscles of the body and a number of other parts to other patients. Relatives say that already parts of the dead body of the deceased have been donated to 6 other patients. Deceased Sumith was employed as a carpenter was unmarried and had carried out a vast duty towards the home all the while looking after his mother and father. In the same way, Sumith had carried the burden of attending to the educational activities of the youngest brother in the family. Sumith who was the third in a family comprising four has had to pass away at an unanticipated period in his life all the while when involved in a massive effort towards the family.
His father who is without a stable job, mother and sister who who is still schoolgoing have been thus rendered helpless even without a permanent house to live in as such. If at all someone cares to come forward to give them a helping hand under these circumstances, it indeed would be an act of great merit.
Ishara Jayasingha