Three and half year old daughter embraces death after being run over by van driven by father!

 Three and half year old daughter embraces death after being run over by van driven by father!

Three and half year old daughter embraces death after being run over by van driven by father!

An incident where a father lost his own daughter as a result of a blunder of his own driving was reported yesterday from Weeraketiya, Atthanagalla.

The child Dilsara Thilakshani Abeywickrema having got prepared to go to Kataragama together with her father, mother and relatives of the family and villagers had got into the van concerned when the
father had before driving on the vehicle had reversed the van at which moment the door had abruptly opened and the child had fallen out. However the father had kept on reversing the van not knowing what took place, it was revealed at initial police investigations. On that occasion the child had got run over by the tyre in the most serious manner.

The child who was just three and a half years and sustained severe injuries was admitted to hospital, only to breathe her last, it was later reported. The inquirer into Sudden Deaths of Marakada Ihala, was conducted in respect of her death by Inquirer into Sudden Deaths Mr. P. Weeraman last morning (3). The whole village were shocked by the most unfortunate way in which the little girl lost her life.   
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