Rahal -- Kavindya programme which unnerved the audience ... brought to a close!
The occasion where a female voice over the phone spoke during the process of 'the Top Ten Super Hits' Chart Show programme broadcast live across Swarnavahini channel between 9 - 10 in the morning hours happened to query about presenting the Show during the time of a sorrowful moment when a disaster such as floods was in the news incidentally flared up the anger
of the announcer Rahal who replied her saying "Don't make me lose my temper!" ultimately creating a ha-ho.
of the announcer Rahal who replied her saying "Don't make me lose my temper!" ultimately creating a ha-ho.
The idea of the female announcer who pointed out that an entertainment aspect such as Chart Show was not conducive to the occasion was not respected by the channel concerned until last Tuesday and even other Chart Show programmes of theirs were presented with a dialogue related to the floods. At that time an announcement was relayed that Rahal and Kavindya would be appearing once more on Saturday.
Whatever it is, today 3rd Saturday the said programme of Rahal and Kavindya was not broadcast over Swarnavahini at the appointed time as it usually did. Instead another programme went over the air with a bottom strip being displayed as 'As an inquiry is underway in relation to Top Ten Super Hits programme, it would not be relayed today'. In the process Rahal Alwis the announcer who was the centre of attention in relation to this sensation had told a newspaper that he would be quitting that programme. The part of the programme which was subject to uproar, once again, from below