Mercedes Benz driven by millionaire's 15 year old son somersaults in Vajira Road!
A Mercedes Benz which on last 26th evening was travelling at a hectic speed coming from Colombo Thunmulla had taken a turn into Vajira Road at the same speed and finally skidded and ended up close to the pavement on the road ... finishing with a somersault. Fortunately as there had been no pedestrians on that part of the road at that time, no one has been injured in this accident.
Incidentally the individual who emerged from the driving-seat then in an upside-down state, was a
schoolboy of a tender age. Though he was not harmed in the process, police officers who had been posted on duty in charge of traffic regulations at that time had arrived on the scene to check the driver when they were baffled to come across a student who was just 15 years old and was even without a driving license. It was with a smile that he had told the police officers that he had desired to take to the wheel of the Benz his father had newly bought. So saying he had then wanted to return home ... without scant knowledge about traffic rules and regulations. When the police told him that he is to be taken into custody for offences of negligent driving and for being without a valid driving license he had then become upset and had begun to give telephone calls all over the place.
His father is supposed to be a millionaire businessman hailing from Kurunduwatta area and had spoken to police higher ups and other police officers, throwing his influence about requesting them to send his son home. Even Ministers and those of the affluent class have contacted Kurunduwatta Police and other police officers incessantly over this matter, it is understood. However the 15 year old schoolboy who failed to furnish a valid driving license was ultimately taken into custody by the police and after the boy's parents arrived at the police station they had made a pledge to produce him before courts after which he was released on police bail within the space of a few hours.
Who the said businessman has not been exposed by the police. Information that this Mercedes-type Benz vehicle bears the registered No. CAW 5445 and is one of the latest models manufactured in 2017 and has been taken on a leasing basis from Nations Trust Bank, is now revealed.

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