"It was that 'top-hatted person' who crucified Jesus" -- criticism against Pope by Pitiduwe Thera
Pitiduwe Thera who has been involved in unconventional activities for the sake of popularity is these days appearing in a scene of emitting rays for commercial publicity of a music video and during the process of rumours spreading around him, a certain statement uttered by Pitiduwe Thera about an year ago seriously criticising the Pope too has been subjected to criticism and is in circulation. In order to prevent this criticism, Siri Sadaham Ashram of Pitiduwe Thera has complained to Facebook and thus removed the video
containing that story, it is reported.
containing that story, it is reported.
President of Cathlic Vibhavanaya Society, Mr. Chirantha Amarasingha has even made a press release in this connection and this is what appears there: 'A thera who calls himself Samanthabadra who became the subject of many a dialogue during the past few days came under severe public criticism when he appeared in a music video in a scene emitting rays which contained a provocative sexual scene. A video tape in which this person was engaged in a sermon where he defames the Catholic doctrine as well as His Holiness Pope Francis on 11th May 2016 emerged in the social network.
This particular video began to circulate on a Facebook Page allocated to Catholics under our organisation and the Ashram of Samanthabadra became upset about this and proceeded to withdraw the said video by commenting that it was his intellectual property. Is this the manner in which an arahat who possesses a gatha to worship him comport himself? In that context Samanthabadra states that Christian priests are liars, that the person adorning himself with a top-hat in Vatican is someone who comes from the heritage of pontiffs who crucified Lord Jesus those days and therefore he and other Christian priests are now waiting until Lord Jesus returns ... once more to crucify him.
As a Catholic organisation we mention that matters expressed by Samanthabadra is utterly false and we thoroughly look down upon that statement of his. We emphasise that there is no connection at all between the incumbent Pope or Pharisees who crucified and put Lord Jesus to death or the Pope for that matter because priests who came down from Lord Jesus's disciples were able to remove the Pharisees and that was with Roman Emperors embracing Christian religion.
It should be understood in simple form that Christianity is something that developed in opposition or contrary to matters put forward by the person called Samanthabadra. He should know that the priests are being subjected to crucifixion, being beaten under the principle of present-day priest, chief, servant principle and is something in existence with priests sacrificing their lives and not something that existed such as those days with others being crucified. Further, a series of rules are in force within the Catholic Church to prevent blemishes that may occur at the hands of priests and to prevent the presence of Catholic priests endowed with Samanthabadra's type of mentality.
It is clear that it is not the Buddhist philosophy which Samanthabadra is following and it is also very clear that he is involved in misleading Buddhist public towards religious extremism while Lord Buddha has not mentioned to attack other religions or persons. Samanthabadra is someone who is trying to destroy Catholic - Buddhist cordiality in Sri Lanka and he does so for the motive of nothing else but to gain popularity through censure and to seek extremist benefactors for the temple being built on 58 acres. What happens when a dog suffering from Hydrophobia is left wandering? What is the action that should be adopted? Why do Maha Nayaka Theros not take action about people like this? Blasphemy of persons of this nature applies to we Catholics including the entire public who respect the noble doctrine of Buddhism and to all citizens of this land'.
Pitiduwe Thera