Belittlement done by children to distinguished singer by broadcasting absolutely personal details on Facebook
The wave of dialogues that covered the social media as well as websites about Victor Ratnayaka's second marriage, by now has reached a nauseating topic of discussion with Lelum Ratnayaka comporting himself in an indecorous manner even from childhood giving the impression that he is hurrying up too much on this issue when compared to other children by going into action and as a consequence has brought the
topic concerned to the limelight by confirming this matter related to Victor's private life more than just a piece of news that is being talked about as something connected with dubious news.
Some people argue that Victor's children did not treat him properly and that he had taken a significant decision in the twilight of his life while some others have criticised his action that he had been gripped with a sense of pride to wed a young damsel instead of deciding to spend his money and acquire the services of an elders' home. These comments that have been expressed have come down to the degree that they were observed being made across the social media, finally criticising his sexual longings, in a humorous tone too.
Given below is a message forwarded by a certain reader who points out this nauseating level in which Victor's son Lelum Ratnayaka has made remarks in the Facebook. The female reader who made these comments which criticised Victor's young carnal attitude has referred to in this manner saying "That which has been harvested by children who have smeared themselves all over by highlighting absolutely personal information across the Facebook! You'll are children who are born as a result of Kamma ... not children ... but killers".