Udammita Samare killed by his bosom pal Chamara who ate and drank with him!

 Udammita Samare killed by his bosom pal Chamara who ate and drank with him!

Udammita Samare killed by his bosom pal Chamara who ate and drank with him!

Underground kingpin Udammita Samare who was shot dead while travelling in a vehicle near El Oya Bridge in Veyangoda recently and was killed in that manner by a friend of his by the name of 'Chamara' who in fact was actively involved together with Udammita Samare in various crimes and had been enjoying himself in eating and drinking in the deceased's company, the police have now come to know.

Chamara is a former Army soldier. This underworld member had on a previous occasion seized a
cigarette van and had been involved in a holdup of 400 lakhs. Prior to the above killing there had been a dispute over money between Samare and Chamara, it is reported. Soon after the dispute their association has split up and Samare has threatened Chamara a few days ago, it is revealed.

A T56 weapon has been made use of for this murder according to information so far received. Investigations near the bridge where the incident took place had been conducted with the support of the Police Navy Division in Colombo day-before-yesterday (27) and yesterday (28). A team of Police Navy Divers dived into El Oya with the motive of extracting some clue related to the incident concerned and they were successful in finding a mobile phone in the process.

The Police are involved in investigations as to whether this mobile phone has any possible link to the murder. The Police Dog Unit too assisted in conducting investigations at the location of the crime and what the police say is that investigations are underway on a large scale with several police teams for the purpose of apprehending the criminals concerned. The police further say that the manner in which the killing took place, the manner in which 'Udammita Samare' was packed into a three-wheeler after being shot and how his other friend who also received gun-shots lay down on the ground in a serious condition were all recorded on a CCTV camera in a closeby shop. 

(PixBy-Indika Abeysundara -Rivira)
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