How Dr. Amaradeva's body was taken to Independence Square from the florists in a procession (video). President too joins in

How Dr. Amaradeva's body was taken to Independence Square from the florists in a procession (video). President too joins in

The body of the Late Dr. Amaradeva was taken from Borella Jayaratne Florists to Independence Square in a hearse at approximately 10.15 this morning in a procession. A large number of fans, artistes and politicians were among the procession. Dr. Amaradeva's beloved wife was seen in the motor vehicle which followed the hearse and the Minister of Mass Media too was among the cortege. President Maithripala Sirisena and Minister of Sports Dayasiri Jayasekera offered floral tributes to the hearse transporting the body close to the Rupavahini Corporation and from that point onwards the President too accompanied the hearse upto the Independence Square. The body is to remain there till 3.30 this afternoon and the final rites are expected to be conducted there.
How Dr. Amaradeva's body was taken to Independence Square from the florists in a procession (video). President too joins in

(An opportunity is available for those who wish to pay their last respects, until midnight).
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