After passing the new constitution by 2/3rd majority in parliament a referendum in 2017

After passing the new constitution by 2/3rd majority in parliament  a referendum in 2017

Prime Minister and the party leaders of the government  by a referendum had quipped the new constitution of the parliament which is been formulated should not only be passed by a 2/3rd majority in parliament but also by a referendum.

Under the constitutional board there are six sub committees.The reports of these sun committees have
been handed over the  chairman of the operational committee  Prime Minister Ranil Wickremasinghe on the 19th instant..It is reported that the opposition leader R Sambandan and other opposition party leader had endorsed it.

The Prime Minister had added that in regard to alternate executive President three views had been submitted.It is said the the reports of the operational committee and sub committees appointed would be debated in parliament and a 2/3rd majority would be obtained.It is said that this would be sent to the people via temples, churches. Kovils, temples and via web sites.Thereafter in the year 2017 a referendum would be held in year 2017 in order to implement it.In this regard the opinion of the parliament and the people would be obtained before the implementation of the new constitution
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