Kavi-bana story: Is it a fake?

Kavi-bana story: Is it a fake?

Kavi-bana story: Is it a fake?

The point relevant to the news item under the topic "Elder sister and younger brother who recite kavi-bana to rescue mother's life" in a manner that generates sympathy of readers of certain websites and social media broadcast during the past few days has of course now been
subjected to some suspicion.

The said two children had been walking from village to village by reciting kavi-bana saying that Rs. 10 lakhs is necessary for a heart surgery of their mother. They had been collecting money for that purpose for this mother who was living in Somawathi area by reciting kavi-bana and a certain person by the name of Thilak Gamini had publicised a telephone number in the social media thus providing an opportunity for those who wished to donate funds for this cause. Minister of Health Mr. Rajitha Senaratna having seen this media propaganda had come forward to enquire about this matter. The Minister had employed his officers to enquire the necessary information required for treatment of Mrs. M.P. Indrani Deepa the said mother residing in Somapura area, Somawathiya, Polonnaruwa  while the Director General and Specialist of Health Services Dr. Palitha Mahipala Services had made a visit to this patient's home and looked into this matter recently (24) and had enquiringly inspected the medical reports, one by one. It has then been revealed that no recommendation has been made to perform the type of operation so said. Dr. Mahipala who communicated with Specialist Dr. Roshan Paranamanna of the Cardiology Unit of Polonnaruwa General Hospital had examined the refereed to medical reports over and over again and confirmed that a surgery is not necessary. However, under instructions of the Health Minister Dr. Mahipala had informed them and gone away after them giving the assurance of a further examination in relation to the weakness of the auricle of her heart and in addition, if deemed necessary, medical drugs and transport facilities would be provided free of charge all of which could be made available.

Some individuals had come forward with cash donations for the two children who earned money this way by reciting kavi-bana explaining the necessity to perform this heart surgery while most of them had done so with the ambition of thus engaging in an act of hospitality.

Whatever it is, it is not clear as to whether the funds were so collected with a bogus motive in mind or because the earlier factor mentioned by doctors in connection with the operation had misfired.

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