Fake story of Dewmi Seya's suicide incident
A news items was published to the effect that a young girl named Dewmi Seya had committed suicide after leaving a Facebook note because of her lover. This particular news item spurred up a strong dialogue yesterday across some web sites and pages of the Facebook as well. By now what is reported is that that news item had been woven
on the personal necessity of some person and was thereby broadcast that way. However no death of such a nature has been reported.
No information of details at all which indicates from where this girl hails or where this death took place is to be observed in that news item and there were only evidence of some photographs. How the said girl is lying in a coffin and some photos of a funeral-house are depicted in those photos.
By now what is reported is that photos of that dead body is doubtful as to whether those are of that very same girl. What some people say is that those photos are those that portray a sort of acting. It has also been identified that photos of the funeral-house appearing therein are photos taken at the funeral-house of the previously deceased child Seya Sandewmi clicked on that occasion.
Various names such as Dewmi Perera, Dewmi Ratnayaka and Dewmi Seya are found mentioned there. This particular incident is identified to be a low-grade strategy employed for the purpose of giving the impression that the lover-girl is trying to embrace death in this manner by circulating the story across the media and thereby find a solution to the affair that exists between her and her lover. The Facebook Account of the alleged deceased Dewmi Perera had once more been activated on Friday evening and its photographs have been subjected to editing.
A certain person who appears in a false name and had made a comment there has given an indication that since the police are conducting an investigation in this respect by now, the Account has once more become active. But on an enquiry made by us, it was confirmed that such an investigation has not been launched by the police.
It is confirmed by this incident that these days some people are able to 'kill' anybody to solve private issues through the publicity afforded by the social media.