Dead body cremated before relatives paid last respects

Dead body cremated before relatives paid last respects

Dead body cremated before relatives paid last respects

The employees attached to the Imaduwa crematorium had cremated the body brought for cremation on the 21st instant before the relatives of the dead person had paid last respects.This is
reported from the Imaduwa area where the dead person had resided.

The cremation was fixed at 5 pm on the 21st instant.The coffin had been brought to the crematorium in Imaduwa exactly on time.It had been told to the employees to keep the coffin as there were some relatives who had come late needed to pay their last respects.The employees who were drunk at that time had said that according to the time the the body had to be cremated as there was another cremation to be made subsequently.

The UPFA member of the Southern Provincial council Krishantha Pushpakumara and the Galle district Member of Parliament UNP Wijeyapala Hettiarachchi had been a relative of the deceased who had come a bit late and hence the relatives had requested the employees of the crematorium to delay the cremation.For not heeding to the request three employees of the crematorium had been founf fault with.
The Officer in charge of the Imaduwa police station HVK Upula had taken the  caretaker and the watcher of the crematorium into police custody.But later with the intervention of the relatives of the deceased the two had been discharged after a severe warning.
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