Proposals of super benefits to Ministers

Proposals of super benefits to Ministers

Proposals of super benefits to Ministers, MP's approved

It has been revealed by the internal sources of the government, that the proposals for superior benefits  for the Ministers and Members of Parliament that were brought forward have been approved by the central committee of the

Some of the proposals that were approved are as follws:

To grant an allowance of rupees fifty thousand a month for the usage of two telephones.

For the office in the respective areas where the MP's and Ministers live a sum of rupees seventy five thousand monthly.

To those Ministers and MP's who live 25 kilometers beyond Colombo be given rupees fifty thousand monthly as rent.

An allowance of rupees two thousand five hundred to be paid on days MP's or Ministers for participating in constitutional council meetings.

For members who participate in advisory board meetings to be paid rupees four thousand for a day while for the chairman a sum of rupees five thousand to be paid.

It is reported reliably the for the allowance paid for the two standard  telephones to MP's and Ministers the government would have to incur a payment of Rs 30-Rs 35 lakhs for a month.In the event a sum of rupees five thousand is paid in reimbursement of the bills the government will have to incur a sum of around Rs 110 lakhs.

These proposals that are to be made to the MP's and Ministers are to be  produced before another committee at the party leaders meeting for approval.

It is reported that after the speaker Karu Jayasuriya returns to the island from overseas these would be tabled before the super benefits could be enjoyed by the MP's and Ministers.
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