Minister Akila removes DG of NIE from chair

Minister Akila removes DG of NIE from chair

On the instructions of the Minister of Education Akila Viraj Kariyawasam, the Director General of the National Institute of Education Professor Gunapala Nanayakkara had been removed from
his position with immediate effect.

The closest reason for this decision according to the trade union sources of the NIE is that the staff attached to the National Institute of Education had together had protested the day before yesterday  against the secretary to the ministry of education.

The trade union sources had regretted  the fact that Professor Gunapala Nanayakkara had been attached to the National Education Institute  in Otawa city of Canada and had drawn a huge salary.Had come to his motherland to render a service to the  motherland.But owing to political matters he had to face this unfortunate incident
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