Welikada S ward refurbished to house VIP's

Welikada S ward refurbished to house VIP's

Welikada S ward refurbished to house VIP's

The Island newspaper had published a news report that the  female S ward at the Welikada prison has been  refurbished with a view to house VIP"s who would be imprisoned in the near future. The  S ward of the Welikada prison was known as the female ward. Famous  late actor Vijaya Kumaratunga and General Sarath Fonseka  are a few who had been housed in this particular s ward.

The stores unit of the Welikada prison has taken over the refurbishment activities of the S ward of Welkada prison as there is a probability that a VIP is to be imprisoned in the near future according the prevailing  reliable news. The  garden area outside the S ward too had been cleaned up in anticipation of a VIP's arrest.

The related newspaper  report had urged the prison authorities to refurbish and clean up the area around the S ward.
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