Media reports on health of Prins incorrect, he needs more help- Sister
The elder sister of popular singer and artiste Prins Udaya Priyantha, Shiromi Priyangika Fernando had said on the 07th instant that certain media reports had revealed that her younger
brother Prins is still under treatment and he needs money for his medical expenses. Owing to certain fake media reports his followers and fans have stopped his donations. But he needs money for his medical expenses.
'Sanda Kumariyak','Penwathun sinase'. 'werala kothenaka sita; are some of the few popular songs that were sung by Prins Udaya Priyantha.When her elder sister was contacted by goosiplankanews web site personnel to find about the health of Prins ,the elder sister had answered in a low tone in this manner:
: Certain media had published that Prins malli is more or less normal thinking it is better for him which you may have seen.It is not the truth. The real truth is that younger brother is still under treatment at Nawaloka hospital and as at date a bill of around rupees thirty lakhs has been billed out of which only rupees 12 lakhs has been settled
When certain media reported that he is now recovered those prospective donors had refused to visit him.The elder sister had made a plea to her fans to continue to contribute towards his hospital bill at Nawaloaka.If anyone needs to know about his health they could telephone his elder sister on mobile number 0769111838.