The six aides of Hirunika who abducted youth saying "wife lifted" ....
in custody
Information has now been revealed that the incident of abducting and assaulting a youth of Dematagoda which took place day-before-yesterday had occured over an issue which had flared up in relation to an
illicit association with a family of a supporter of MP Mrs. Hirunika Premachandra.
The abductee is an employee of a drapery store and he had carried on an illicit affair with a mother of two children in Kolonnawa area for about an year. The husband of the said woman was someone who dedicated himself in promoting the election victory of MP Mrs. Hirunika Premachandra, it was learned. What is at the root of this commotion was that the said youth had clandestinely eloped with this married woman on last 20th night with the motive of permanently living with her.
This election-supporter who became helpless because of his wife eloping, had consulted MP Hirunika in order for her to mediate in this issue to find a solution. Hirunika who called him over the telephone on that occasion had explained that breaking up a family is an offence and though he gave ear to what she said however had not taken any action. In fact he had turned a deaf ear to what the supporter too had said and instead had continued living with this newly-found wife.
In the process the supporter concerned had taken steps to get the help of Hirunika's aides or security officers in order to solve the family problem he was faced with. Hirunika happened to join in a festival held by the Colombo Municipality which was attended by the President Mr. Maithripala Sirisena too. On that occasion Hirunika's six private security guards had after dropping her at the event had proceeded to the drapery store in Dematagoda in her Defender and had abducted the said youth. These security guards who had mentioned that they were officers of the Police Special Task Force had after so abducting him had gone to the office of Mrs. Hirunika Premachandra. What the youth says is that he was cornered there and had assaulted him by threatening his life. They had advised him to release the newly-brought wife. Whatever it is, after some hours the youth had been set free. The youth who got a battering from the gang next headed to the police.
According to the complaint lodged by the youth at Dematagoda Police the latter went into action and managed to get at the number of the Defender vehicle which had taken the youth; which was done checking the relevant CCTV footage. The drapery store where the youth served was near the Dematagoda Flyover and several scenes connected to the incident were detected and revealed across the CCTV. What was found on checking the vehicle number was that it belonged to MP Mrs. Hirunika Premachandra. On an inquiry made about it from her, she had accepted that the said jeep belonged to her. She even promised that she would hand over those who are connected to the incident concerned, to the police.
Whatever it is, those linked to the incident had not appeared at the police station. In the meantime further investigation activities related to the incident was transferred to the Colombo Crime Division and the 6 members of the gang had turned up at the police station in the evening. It was in this manner that the 6 security guards of Mrs. Hirunika Premachandra were taken into custody yesterday by the Colombo Crime Division. The Defender-type jeep belonging to Mrs. Hirunika Premachandra used to abduct the youth too was taken into custody.
Hirunika who held a media briefing last evening admitted that it is a fact that she put her hands into this family issue and tried to settle it; but that she was not aware that a group of persons attached to her would engage in an abduction like this until it had taken place. Further investigations into the incident are being conducted.