Cannot tell about my white baby rabbit now-Amanda Nilukshi

Cannot tell about my white  baby rabbit now-Amanda Nilukshi
 Cannot tell about my white  baby rabbit now-Amanda Nilukshi

The son of Jackson Anthony ,Akila has had a close love relationship with the modeller Amanda Nilukshi and after it had dropped the modeller Amanda Nilukshi had conveyed her sorrow and
disappointment over several media. In this regard Amanda Nilukshi had given an interview to the tabloid edition of Rasaduna newspaper ,some of the contents are appended below:

What is this status talk in the Face Book?

"That is not a status talk I had made in anger, don't you about me......."

Wasn't there any matters that hurt your feelings?

" I got to know that some persons who do not know me and do not know what type of a person I am in my personal life had made comments on my personal life.I made the status talk in the Face Book to make them hurt and feel".

Now what type of  comments that they  had made ?

" About my boy friend. Until now I had not said anything about him.Those who do not who he was had just guessed what type of a person he was and had made  arbitrary comments. They had tried  by guessing to give him various types of images. I do not like them .They are  just gossip without much sense at all."

Then now with your status talk was the problem resolved?

" That I do not know. But the groups had sent me messages asking me not to get offended and angry".

If the lover "D" was named these talks would have been avoided?

" Would like to stay on like this and  divulge his  name just before marriage without expecting the former stories again"

The loving "D" has some other names also too?

"I call him " Sudu Ha Patiya" as he is like a white baby  rabbit. He has some other names also".
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