5 lakhs dollars from America for Sri Lankan who ...

5 lakhs dollars from America for Sri Lankan who ...  set gadget inside helmet!

5 lakhs dollars from America for Sri Lankan who ...

set gadget inside helmet!

Ganindu Nanayakkara the Sri Lankan youth who created and produced a sensory system for motor
bicycles has won a reward of about Rs. 7 crores from America, it is reported. Ganindu Nanayakkara who happens to be an Old Boy of Colombo Ananda College who competed under the Traffic Section of this competition is now a software engineer, it was said. His creation of the iHelmet accessory is composed of a number of sensors and also accumulates a number of special data when a motor bicycle is in motion. This data is being exchanged across a mobile phone as well as the bluetooth.

It is understood that when this gadget is connected to a motor bicycle helmet it has the capacity to signal danger points when the motor bicycle is driven at high speed, direct the rider to locations where he should stop, to ascertain conditions of the external atmosphere, for the rider to be alert about places unseen by the rider and so many other activities.

Ganindu who was able to clinch second place in the Traffic Section in the last lap of this competition which was organised by A Verizon Company was thus able to win a huge award of 5 lakhs American dollars. The Answers Award Competition of the Verizon Company was held under the 3 divisions of Emergency Response, the Internet of Things and Transportation. With all accessories included, this gadget itself fetches a price of about 115 dollars while the gadget and Phone app alone is expected to be sold at a price of 75 dollars. This time over 1400 participants took part in this competition and the final award ceremony was held on the 9th in San Francisco, America, it was reported.

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