Hike in liquor and cigarette prices
The prices of cigarettes and all types of liquor has been raised from the 03rd instant as ordered by the government. The price of a cigarette had been raised by a sum of rupees three (03). A cigarette
which was rupees thirty (30)hence would now cost rupees thirty three ( 33).
One litre of beer that has a lesser percentage of 5% alcohol has been increased by rupees forty (40) and a litre of beer which contains over 5% alcohol has been increased by rupees sixty (60),These increases have been issued from the officials of the finance ministry.
It is learnt that the price of a litre of molasses spirit used for the production of local arrack has been increased by rupees one hundred and ten (110)and the price of a litre of spirit used for manufacture of foreign liquor has been increased by rupees one hundred and sixty (160).
Accordingly the price of a bottle of arrack will go up by rupees sixty (60) and the price of a foreign liquor bottle will go up by rupees one hundred and twenty five (125).The price of a bottle of beer with an alcohol percentage of less than 5 % will be increased by rupees twenty five (25) and a bottle of beer which has a strength of over 5% alcohol will be increased by rupees fifty (50).