Rugby player Wasim Thajudeen's murder -- Updates 3

Information revealed that 3 security officers ...
           of former President involved in Thajudeen murder!

The Criminal Investigation Department has said that four persons suspected of having murdered Rugby player Thajudeen have been identified by now. Among them are three from the President's Security Unit while one other is a Sri Lankan who is
supposed to be living in London at present, a senior officer of the Criminal Investigation Department said. In the meantime what that department mentions is that information that suspects of Thajudeen connected with his murder fleeing to Italy, is false.

The three members of the President's Security Unit suspected in this case are in Sri Lanka at the moment, the senior officer says and that the Criminal Investigation Department is on the look out for them and that he believes that it would be possible to accost the three of them within the next two weeks. A certain former embassy official has provided support for the person currently residing in Britain to flee from Sri Lanka and inquiries are being conducted over certain irregularities of that embassy official too. 

It has been revealed by investigations carried out so far that no vehicular accident has occured at the location where Thajudeen's dead body was found and that though the front portion of the vehicle had been on fire it has been exposed that over half of the fuel tank had been full. The dead body of Thajudeen had not been found on the driving-seat but instead on the front seat next to it. The Criminal Investigation Department further says that on inspections conducted at the location of the accident itself there were no traces of evidence of such an accident.

The Criminal Investigation Department state that investigations are being conducted to inquire whether the Narahenpita Police have given a distorted report. The exhumed dead body of Thajudeen is being subjected to further investigation while attention is being focused on the factor whether the information forwarded to the courts by the Criminal Investigation Department is similar to the information about damages sustained in relation to the bones of his body. The Criminal Investigation Department has been able to find out from investigations conducted this far that the said officers of the President's Security Unit had prior to the death of Thajudeen discussed collectively at their canteen. The Judicial Medical Report about Thajudeen's death is expected to be forwarded to courts on 10th of next month.
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