Weerawansa’s pulp bucket at Pliyandala Police

Weerawansa’s pulp bucket at Pliyandala Police

Weerawansa’s pulp bucket at Pliyandala Police

Last night, the 29th instant the Piliyandala police have taken into custody three persons and a pulp
bucket found pasting posters of the Colombo district UPFA candidate leader of the National Freedom Alliance former Minister Wimal Weerawansa.

The theme that was written on the posters was “Jathiye Weerawansaya liyanaata” a workshop was to be held with the photograph of Wimal Weerawansa.There had been no indication of the name of the printer or the registered number of the press which had printed them.

The three persons who were arrested are all from the Dampe area in Piliyandala and are to be produced before the Kesbewa Magistrate today the 30th instant.

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