Dr Pradeep had met his sweet heart before becoming ‘Super Star”
Former Sirasa “Super Star” Dr Pradeep Rangana is to tie the nuptial knot on the coming 30th. In this connection a brief resume of the event with
some excerpts that was published in the week end newspaper “Meevitha” are published below:
some excerpts that was published in the week end newspaper “Meevitha” are published below:
Q: Is it true that they are saying that you would be marrying on the 30th?
Answer: That is true. For each person for me, too this day would come. I am preparing for this day. On the 30th July is another milestone in my life. It is a dream that would be fulfilled.
Q: So tell where it is going to fulfil your dream?
Answer: The dream will be fulfilled at the Jaic Hilton hotel
Q: Who are the attesting witnesses?
Answer: We have already got married; hence it is late to call witnesses.
Q:Why did you get married without much fanfare?
Answer: That is one my personal things. The wedding day is very special to me.I will enjoy with my family members relatives and those in my field.
Q : Why did you did that way?
Answer: That is my wish. I am a person who do not like to make huge noises.The wedding day is the path beginning for a successful life ahead. Hence I decided to invite all relatives and friends. I stay on the stand that we all should enjoy together.
Q: How long have you been married?
Answer: About one year. After passing out and before commencing post graduate studies we got married.
Q: How long was your love affair?
Answer: about 11 years. She met me when I had not achieved anything.She loved me truly.By name she is Chathurika Prasadini.
Q: Was it before becoming Super Star?
Answer: Yes she loved me before I became ‘super star’
Q: Was she present when you were crowned Super Star?
Answer: No that was the time our love was really maturing.
Question: After been crowned Super Star did Chathurika fear about the love would rupture?
Answer: Yes she may have felt as it the human nature. Everything would happen with my changes,But she understood me.I never broke my faith I had in her.We should not believe in falsehood and break our links of love and go on wrong paths.
Q: Where do you meet Chathurika?.
Answer: Before she met me she had heard my voice. We met initially at a party.I became close friends with her brothers after the party.I used to sing songs from those days. She is the first female to love my voice..
Q: Will you tell us about her profession?
Answer:She was initially a teacher and then became a nurse. For both professions I disliked.
Answer:.I am a doctor by profession as well as a singer. Hence I am rather busy and if she also becomes busy in her profession we would not be able to run a successful family life. For my proposal to leave her profession she willingly accepted.
Q: Has she got in objections in your participation in the singing field:?
Answer:She has no objections. When a person is full time engaged in the singing field one is tempted to do what he should not do.Whatever we get ultimately only our family life remains. We have got proper advice from renowned artistes. What remains is only our family.I hope to be engaged in singing without forgetting the family.
Question:Who requested love initially?
Answer: It was me who asked for her love. She took a bit of a time to give in return.
Q: On behalf of the wedding there are other meritorious deeds arranged to invoke blessings?
Answer: On the last 21st instant as I am a doctor we donated lenses. But in daily life we like to be engaged in solemn affairs and to be with damma activities.
Q: What is the hospital you are attached to:?
Answer: I am attached to a district hospital close to Balangoda.Hope to apply for a transfer to the Ratnapura hospital soon.