Proposed amendment to constitution a conspiracy - Champika

Proposed  Ammendment to the constitution a conspiracy - Champika

Proposed amendment to constitution a conspiracy - Champika

The Leader of the Jathika Hela Urumaya and Minister Patali Champika Ranawaka is of the opinion that the proposed amendment to the 19th
constitution in the parliament appears to be conspiracy wherein the President's power is to be lowered below that of the Prime Minister.In that event a refendum from the people cannot be obtained.Minister vouched that he would fight to get it altered as promised before the presidential election.
 Minister Ranawaka’s argument was that the 19th Amendment would create the president powerless and that was why they were against the Amendment in its present form.
“The main demand during the presidential election campaign was to abolish the Executive Presidency. Today, we have come close to pruning some of its powers but the JHU still wants the President to head the government, the state and the armed forces. It is uncertain whether it wants the president to proceed with excessive demon like powers like the way former President functioned.
Patali Champika Ranawaka had voted against the 17th Amendment but had voted in favour of the 18th Amendment without any hesitation,while in the previous government. “The 18th Amendment was a blow to democracy. The latest constitutional reforms should provide an opportunity to rectify previous mistakes,” he had emphasised.What the country needs a democratic constiturional change for which we would raise our voices.He quoted an example that for water to vapourise it needs to be boiled to 1000 degrees centigrade and not at 990 degrees,like wise the government will not be allowed to change constitution without our consent.The support of the majority at the presidential election was to take collective decisions and not to exercise power as individuals.

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