President Maithripala's brother Priyantha serious after assault

President Maithripala's brother Priyantha serious after assault

President Maithripala's brother Priyantha....

serious after assault

9.30 p.m. UPDATES
Police sources say that the suspect who is alleged
to have assaulted President's brother Mr. Priyantha Sirisena has surrendered himself to Bakamuna Police a short while ago. What he has told the police as the reason for this assault is the temper that welled up within him as a result of a personal dispute. The police reports that he is 24 years old and that his name is Haputhanthrige Dushan Lakmal. The suspect is a resident of Polonnaruwa Weera Pedesa.

The  place close to the garage where the assault had taken place is situated near the house where he lives. The suspect has assaulted Mr. Priyantha Sirisena after the latter had come there subsequent to which this assailant had fled from the area at the beginning; but later after a few hours had come to Bakamuna Police. This young man who says that he lives with his mother and father near Hathare Ela Pansala in New Town Polonnaruwa is a bachelor.

-- Previous news item --
9.00 p.m.
An assault has been made on a brother of President Maithripala Sirisena, Mr. Priyantha Sirisena around 7 this evening. He had faced serious injury in this connection.

This assault had been committed this evening at about 7 by a person who had come from behind him and had dealt a blow to his head with a sharp instrument near a garage at Polonnaruwa Hathare Ela. It is still not reported by whom this was done.

At the time this accident happened, the rear part of Mr. Priyantha Sirisena's head was badly injured  by this attack which had also done damage to his skull too and the doctors suspect that it had been carried out by a sharp instrument. The victim was admitted to Polonnaruwa Hospital immediately and the doctors at the intensive care unit had strived to save his life. It was reported at about 8.30 in the night that he had been airlifted to Colombo for further treatment.

Police investigations are underway regarding the incident; but no suspect has still been taken into custody.
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