Mark Zuckerberg buys chunk of Hawaii Island for $100 m

Facebook Chief buys a coastal strip .... of Hawaii Islands

The creator of Facebook, 30 year old Mark Zuckerberg who possesses assets of $32.5 billion American dollars, considered as the 14th wealthiest person of the era has bought a part of an island in
Hawaiin Islands for his personal use. He has bought a piece of land of 700 acres in Kavuwai which is the fourth largest sea beach strip in Hawaiin Islands at a value of $100 million. While about a part of this land comprises of about half of the world famous Pila Beach and Pristine Sand Beach, the balance part of the land comprises of various forms of cultivation.

Mark Zuckerberg and his wife Priscila had loved this charming beach strip which lies on the Northern part of Hawaii and it is learned that they would definitely be coming over there for the holidays. So far the ownership of the part of Pila Beach rested on an agent of the Honda Company, Jim Fugger. He had agreed on Zuckerberg's deal and thus disposed of it. Whatever it is, Zuckerberg has been unable to acquire the whole of Pila Beach since a part of it which belonged to one Stuart Harry of Denver Oil and Gas Company had jacked up his price. As such, Zuckerberg had to remain satisfied with a part of this beach to his credit. However, the Facebook Company has not shown any liking to express anything officially regarding what was published by the media in relation to this.

In the process, Zuckerberg and his wife had donated a large sum of money in the form of 25 million towards the Treatment Research Fund in relation to the Ebola Virus Infection which has become a disaster these days as reported last week.

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