Voting for government .... is investing in a fixed deposit a/c in a govt. bank ....
Voting for UNP .... is investing in Sakvithi's Bank
Minister Nimal Siripala
What Minister Siripala de Silva addressing a meeting recently said was that casting a vote for the government is akin to opening a fixed deposit account with a government bank and that casting a vote for the UNP means it is like crediting money into Sakvithi's Bank.
It is in the following manner that that he explained that story:
"Will there be another government like this in this country .... casting a vote for the 'bulath kolaya' means putting money in a fixed deposit in a government bank. Without any risk .... the interest is paid every month. Those who cast the vote for the UNP .... they had invested in Sakvithi's Bank.Those who put money in Sakvithi's Bank had to commit suicide".
Video of the speech,from BELOW
Voting for UNP .... is investing in Sakvithi's Bank
Minister Nimal Siripala
What Minister Siripala de Silva addressing a meeting recently said was that casting a vote for the government is akin to opening a fixed deposit account with a government bank and that casting a vote for the UNP means it is like crediting money into Sakvithi's Bank.
It is in the following manner that that he explained that story:
"Will there be another government like this in this country .... casting a vote for the 'bulath kolaya' means putting money in a fixed deposit in a government bank. Without any risk .... the interest is paid every month. Those who cast the vote for the UNP .... they had invested in Sakvithi's Bank.Those who put money in Sakvithi's Bank had to commit suicide".
Video of the speech,from BELOW