An allegation was aimed at Co-ordinating Secretary Kirthi Weerasingha of Prime Minister D.M. Jayaratna for having issued instructions that a container carrying the largest stock of heroin ever brought to the island, be released. As a result, he has resigned from his post.
It is also reported that the relevant document of resignation has been forwarded to the PM.
The said resignation letter carrying his signature says that he has no connection with such a matter and that the accusations levelled against him are false.
The contents of the letter is as follows:
"I vehemently deny the accusation made on me by the media to the effect that I have given my co-operation to import the drugs referred to. I wish to emphasise that I have in no way sent any letter to the Customs in the case of this particular container being brought to the country.
However, as Gampaha municipal council member of parliament Mr. Tharanga Vittachchi was a close associate of this businessman and that a container bathroom fittings and lubricants had been imported, a period of 2 and a half months for demurrage was incurred for delay in the release in which case a bigger demurrage which would be levied which amount exceeds the value of the contents of the container; in relation to a request made for some consolation, I sent a letter to P.O. Box 141, Colombo port where the rate of demurrage was to be paid, on the request made by the aforementioned member of parliament. I must mention here that the Hon.Prime Minister is unaware of the letter sent by me.
I have studied Medicine at the University of Kelaniya and have held the post of Chairman of the Coconut Board and a number of distinguished posts both in the government and private sector. Further, I would like to mention that the services I have rendered to the nation as well as internationally is of an outstanding level.
As a person who has held a number of responsible posts, I have forwarded the aforementioned letter in the most .... I wish to mention categorically that I and the Prime Minister's office have no connection with regard to the accusation targetted at me by the media.
I have no intention of encouraging or carrying out any activity contrary to the law. I firmly believe that the truth will be exposed according to investigations carried out by the Sri Lankan Police and other relevant people.
In order that investigations proceed presently in a smooth manner and so that the Hon. Prime Minister and the Prime Minister's office is not inconvenienced in any way because of these allegations, I wish to resign from my post as Co-ordinating Secretary until such time the inquiry is over and
I would be disposing of my service towards the public of this country, it being a duty of a true civil servant and a dutiful citizen".
KirthiShi Werasingha