Correct dating of Buddha's birth .... 100 years back
According to yesterday's (Nov 26) foreign news, during archaeological excavations conducted in Nepal, the site where Maha Maya Devi gave birth to Prince Siddhartha close to where the Sal tree in Lumbini is, has been excavated.
The excavations have been directed by Professor Robin Coningham, Professor of Archaeology at the University of Durham in Britain including a team of scientists and they have mentioned that this is the most ancient Buddhist sacred site so far discovered in the world. According to an x-ray carbon examination conducted to determine the birth period of Prince Siddhartha . It has been determined that the birth of the Buddha has taken place 100 years back than the year already assumed.
The scientists have suspected that as there was no roof for this vihara belonging to 6th Century B.C. it would be the structure which covered the Sal tree. This was found in the excavations conducted on the timber structure which was similar to a vihara that exists in the present Maya Devi vihara in Lumbini.
When comparing the story in relation to Maha Maya Devi giving birth to Prince Siddhartha in proximity to a Sal tree, archaeologists assume that this could be the timber structure that had been surrounding that tree. It was further suspected that this was very much similar to that story and that a timber structure akin to a brick temple minus a roof surrounding the
Though it is believed that Lord Buddha lived in 623 B.C., because of these latest findings, that date is supposed to run further back into the past.
Professor Coningham who expressed his opinion on this matter further said that he was able to uncover a structure of a vihara made up of timber and bricks, covering a tree in the Maya Devi vihara site in Lumbini where Prince Siddhartha is supposed to have been born. He also said that he was able to confirm without doubt that according to a radio carbon isotopic research, it definitely belonged to 6 Century B.C. He said that he published a document in this connection and that it was broadcast in Britain day before yesterday for the first time. Though there were differences of opinion within the scientific world as to whether the period in which Lord Buddha lived was between 3 - 4th Century BC. or 6th Century B.C. as a result of these excavations, it was revealed that Buddhist viharas definitely existed in 6th Century B.C.
"We conducted excavations on the Maha Devi vihara, Lumbini in Nepal during the past. This vihara was constructed by Emperor Ashoka in 229 B.C. It was possible for us to identify a structure similar to the vihara which is already 2 meters beneath it. It was of sandstone and timber. We were clearly made to understand that this was a structure of a vihara and also that it had been created by covering a particular tree. Emperor Ashoka had constructed the new Maya Devi vihara over that vihara.
Archaeologists of Nepal consider Maya Devi vihara as the location where Maha Maya Devi gave birth to Prince Siddhartha in the Sal Uyana in Lumbini. We were able to arrive at some opinion that there is a tree to be observed, according to our new findings.
He also said that this vihara displayed signs of a brick temple and that there were signs to denote that it was in an exposed manner without a roof.
He stated that this research is something that is being done under the assistance of the UNO and Japan and that conducting excavations in a place like this which is continuously and always full of devotees was a great challenge for him.
Photos of parts where excavations of Maya Devi vihara, where excavations took place is seen below. The National Geographic video on the research, underneath it.