The SLPL Tournament similar to the Indian Cricket Premier League Tournament which commenced last year in Sri Lanka was scheduled to be held in August this year. However, it was reported that this is in suspense now.
There are a number of reasons that has contributed to this situation. One of the reasons is that a good number of competent players are to participate in the Carribean League Tournament scheduled to be held in South Africa next July. Though that tour will be held in August too, the organisers have issued regulations that players who expect to attend the SLPL Tour should not go to Africa, and it is not clear whether this is practical.
On the other hand, one other reason reported is that as a large number of expenditure, inclusive of hotel bills relative to the SLPL Tournament last year had not been settled, it has become a diifficult task to reserve hotels this year. This problem has cropped up because of lack of proper management.
Further, the IPL this year with certain Indian companies posing as owners of SLPL teams have been exposed to corruption. Last year, the SLPL was held on the understanding that Indian players would participate. It was Indian companies who acted as the sponsors. If members of the Indian cricket team was to come here, it had been planned by organisations to broadcast SLPL matches on Rupavahini channels and to derive a good income from it. However, as India refused this at the last moment, it was considered a loss though the Tournament was conducted with such an attitude. If not for the financial backing at the last moment of Mahendra Company, It may have been dropped last year itself.
The same situation applies this year too. And because of Indian players not coming, the Tournament is in suspense.
Whatever it is, what the Organiser of the Tournament in Sri Lanka, Mr.Ajit Jayasekera says is that the SLPL would somehow be held from August 10th.