Teacher now facing threat to her life
Information regarding the incident about a teacher of Nawagaththegama M.V. who was made to kneel down last Friday by a PC member is forthcoming.
This teacher, Priyani Herath who was in charge of the Disciplinary Committee and the Prefects' Association had been on and off observing shortcomings of female students who wear short frocks had brought out this issue on the morning of that day of the incident. Normally, what is done is to rectify such a mistake is to lengthen the hem of the frock. On that day the teacher had removed stitches of the frocks of students together with the aid of the Head Prefect where such students were spotted. Though the PC member's daughter too had been in this group, the teacher did not spare her either.
On that particular day the PC member's daughter had gone home after school, crying. She had complained to her mother about this demeanour. Her mother who became outrageous had started shouting, "This is something done because of anger with us," and had proceeded to the school.
Teacher Priyani Herath's husband too is a school teacher elsewhere and it has been Priyani's habit to await the arrival of her husband who used to come to Nawagaththegama M.V. to escort her back home. However, that day although school was over,she had stayed back.
In a short wile the PC member's wife barged into the school. She had come running towards the teacher concerned wailing and in her presence had asked, "Why ...... are you angry with us? Why are you taking revenge like this .... why are you putting us into humility by removing the hem of my daughter?" At that moment though the teacher had tried to explain matters, it had been to no avail. The PC member's wife who pretended not to have understood what was said had gone away blaming the teacher. After a phone call from her to the PC member he had come to the school with a club in hand. This 'thug' instantly tried to swing the club at the teacher when those who were around her had prevented him from doing so when he had begun to use harsh words, ordering the teacher to kneel down in front of the school children, parents and teachers. After 5 minutes of kneeling down, she had tried to get up when he had abused her in raw filth ordering her to kneel down once more. He had further ordered her not to come anymore to school and also to apologise to her daughter. He had also frightened her by saying, "I can bring a clique of 300 and demolish your house!"
As a result of kneeling down her knees had been bruised and this incident became a scene where her dignity as a teacher was damaged in the presence of the students and the staff as well.
After this commotion, those in the school were talking about the incident in every nook and corner when the teacher's husband happened to arrive there. They had then resolved to lodge an entry at the police station because it was a threat to their lives.
On informing the police, the police officers had come to the school and had looked for the Principal to inquire about the incident but he had been away on some other duty. They had then recorded a statement from the Vice Principal in charge of duties. He then confirmed to police that the PC member had come to the school and punished the teacher and gone away after threatening her.
Whatever it is, when the police inquired from the PC member about this incident, he had denied that such a thing took place. Because he had even gone to the extent of threatening this Vice Principal by telephone that same night, he had the following day early morning itself has gone to the police armed with an affidavit to withdraw his statement of evidence, apparently through fear.
Whatever it is, the officers had taken steps to arrest the PC member the following day and he was remanded after that upto today (17).
In the process, the teacher mentioned that a group of individuals on motor cycles had come near her house and had made an unruly noise near the gate and fled. She had further said that it is a risk for her to go to school after this incident.