An infant had been subjected to sickness for a long time for having lizard parts in biscuits. According to a complaint made by the mother of the child, 7 individuals of the Director Board of a Sri Lankan Company that imported the biscuits have been asked to be taken into custody on an order issued by the courts.
This problem has emerged because of a certain type of biscuits consumed in April, 2007, seven years ago.The complaint stated that the baby's father had bought biscuits from Sampath Groceries in Totalanga for his 8 month old infant daughter and having given 1 biscuit to the child and afterwards when trying to put the rest of the biscuits to a tin, it had been seen that there were parts of a dead lizard.
The mother of the child says that since it was mentioned on the packet that it was a type of infant biscuit that was made in Oman, there was no suspicion about the standard of the product on buying it. Because of this unanticipated incident, the child had become sick. The mother further says that the infant on having got sick was admitted to the Children's Hospital in Borella and it had been confirmed that the reason for the sickness was this type of food consumed. It was revealed by medical reports that because of having given this food as a meal, 11.8 of poisonous material had become mixed with the blood.
The complainant of this incident is Paranapatabendige Nishani Ranjani Fernando, a resident of Mattakkuliya.
As it was proved that these biscuits have been imported from Oman and distributed locally by Delmege Company of Vinayalankara Mawatha in Maradana, Colombo, Mr.Kapila Dushyantha Epitawala, Addl.Magistrate, Colombo instructed the police yesterday (6) to immediately into custody, the Board of Directors of the Company.
The report further states that after complaining to the Company that there were parts of a dead lizard in the container of this infant biscuits produced in Oman, the Company had replied requesting the complainant not to expose this incident to anybody and that they would make a compensation.
A warrant was issued to take into custody the members of the Board of Directors of the Company which included 7 members, namely, Messrs.Bandara Upul, Lakshman Ashoka Wickremasingha, Bogahalanda Terrence de Silva, Lidamullage Dilhara Elmo Aloysius, de Silva Suren Charitha, Nalin Neil Dinesh, Prasanna Godawatta Aarachchige Rasika Damuth and Hemashanthan Suresh and to produce them in courts.